Overview of an eCommerce Template
If you are looking to create or strengthen the layout of your online store, you probably know how important communication is in order to make sure your message and end goal is conveyed well.
Today we are going to provide an overview of the anatomy of an ecommerce template, so you will have the tools you need to discuss your website with your developer, coworkers, and friends!
Checkout our wire frame that labels each section of your standard template:

Remember to keep it simple.
Many business owners think that they need a complicated design with tons of features to showcase their product, but this can often confuse users.
Do not complicate things because you think it will make you unique, and do not make your customer work to complete their purchase.
The best thing you can do is to have a layout that online shoppers are used to, and helps guide them to the product they are looking for.
Keep your design clean, simple, and mobile friendly and your customers will be grateful.