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How to Best Plan Content for Your Website

Updated: Jul 7, 2021

The time has come to build a website for your business. Whether you already have a website and are giving it a face lift, or you’re creating a brand new site, you’re going to need relevant content!

What’s Considered Web Content?

Text, images, banners, products, videos, audio, links and info graphics are all content.

How you choose to organize your content plays a massive role in encouraging visitors to engage and convert (call you, fill out a contact form, complete a purchase or sign up for your newsletter) on your site.

Your Website Could Be Your Most Valuable Sales Asset…

Pretend someone walked into your office or your retail space. If you or your employee(s) weren’t there to explain to them what you do, how would you communicate to them what you offer, what makes you different from your competitors, and why they should care?

Your website should be your top salesperson. It’s available 24/7, 365 days a year and as long as you pay for hosting, it doesn’t need to take a vacation. Content is how you convey your message to site visitors.

It’s what can motivate someone to call you or purchase a product. If not planned well, it can also lead to a visitor leaving the site because they lost interest or just didn’t know what to do next.

Key Points to Address on Your Homepage

You only have 3-5 seconds to make an impression on a visitor to your site. It’s important you think about what content is going to resonate with your target audience and how you can quickly communicate key points about your business.

Much like any good relationship, it’s important you communicate clearly and set expectations. Great content should address the following points (preferably in this order):

  1. What Do You Do?

  2. Who is the Target Audience?

  3. What are Their Pain Points?

  4. What’s Your Background / Story?

  5. Why Should They Trust You?

  6. What Are the Next Steps?

key points to address on homepage

Typical Homepage Sections You’ll See

The following list includes sections that you’ll often see on the homepage of a website. Which content you choose to include in each section will depend on the type of business you have, as well as your goals.

It’s good to keep these in mind when creating a wireframe to plan out your contact for the most important page of your site, the homepage!

  1. Pre-Header – Here you can include a coupon/promotion, your phone number, important links to internal pages, social icons or a trust element.

  2. Header – This section usually includes your logo, a search bar, or you can combine your navigation with your header to help bring more content above the fold (where your site is cut off on a screen before a user scrolls down).

  3. Navigation – If you have an eCommerce site, stick to including your top categories in the main navigation and add internal page links to your header or pre-header.

  4. Informational sites will want to link to their most important internal pages (Services, About, Process, Contact etc.)

  5. Banner or Slideshow – Make sure you include text on your slideshow or banner! The text should speak to your target audience and include a call to action (shop now, learn more, browse products, etc.).

  6. Don’t forget to link to a page on your site! Too often we see banners or slideshows that feature a nice looking product or image, but they don’t take you anywhere.

  7. Featured Services or Products – Include your top performing services or products here to encourage a user to continue to navigate through your site.

  8. About Section – Talk about why you started your business, the people behind it and what it means to you. People like doing business with people. Share your story, why you started the business, what your passionate about, and what makes you different from your competitors.

  9. Testimonial Section – Share what other clients or customers have to say about working with you. This builds trust and helps site visitors understand what type of experience they can expect to have with you.

  10. Blog Feed – If you have a blog, it’s good to include some of your most recent posts for improving search visibility and encouraging a visitor to learn more about you and your industry.

  11. Next Steps Section – A site visitor that has made it this far wants you to tell them what they should do next. Keep it simple!

  12. Footer – Here you’ll often see links to other internal pages, eCommerce links to access their account, a newsletter signup section, social graphics and a copyright disclaimer.

Bonus Sections/Features to Include for Improved User Experience

  1. Back to Top Button – Scrolls a user back to the top of the page

  2. Sticky Navigation – Freezes the header/navigation of the site while scrolling.

  3. Product Filter – Filters often include; category, size, color, brand and price, but can depend on your product options.

  4. Free Download – Offer a free (guide, template, checklist, etc.) download that will connect with your target audience and brings value to them in exchange for their email address.

  5. Book Service – If you are a service business, make the process of booking your “foot in the door” service quick and easy.

  6. User Way Accessibility – This free widget makes your site accessible to users with a disability. Show all of your visitors that you care by making your site accessible to all.

Effective Messaging

Writing compelling copy is an art form. Being able to craft together a killer section that speaks to your target’s audience’s pain points, builds trust and directs a visitor on what to do next can be the difference between a site that converts and a site that doesn’t.

The main takeaway we want you to have about your content is to make it focused on your audience. Keep your target audience in mind while creating your content and you’ll make yourself standout from all of the other “me, me, me” businesses!

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