Border7 Happenings
One of the benefits of working remotely is getting to choose where you live. We were recently lucky enough to move to Running Springs in the mountains!
It took time to streamline our process, service offerings, and vision for Border7, but we’re excited to have the work/life balance we’ve always dreamed of.
Our goal is to help our clients have the same work/life balance within their own business and use technology to streamline things as much as possible.
The Benefits of Working Remotely
With the power of some high speed internet and our trusty computers, we made the move up the mountains.
By tweaking our process to encourage scheduled appointments, offering done-with-you programs and focusing predominately on Wix and WordPress, we’ve been able to get laser focus on what we do.
We help professional brands get online quickly with consistent business through their Wix or WordPress website. This allows them to spend more time doing what they love!

Visiting the beautiful nearby Lake
For us, that’s hiking in the mountains, going for walks with our two Australian Shepherds, and for Brendan, aquascaping his fish tanks!

Brendan, Ailsa & Arya (Angus is too heavy to pickup!)
Is Your Website Helping You Live the Life You Want to Live?
Data & analytics don’t lie.
Your website might be pretty and have fancy features, but if you’re not getting consistent business through your site, then it’s time to make a change.
We get it, you have enough on your plate as it is!
Before working with us, many of our Wix and WordPress clients also struggled to create and launch their sales generating website.
They didn’t have time to evaluate their data, learn the ins and outs of their platform to build their website, setup a marketing engine that starts and nurtures conversations, or streamline their online business so traffic converts into sales with more time in their day — they had a business to run!

The good news is, through our done-with-you programs, you’ll get the web essentials you need to get online quickly with consistent business coming through your website.
Stop overworking yourself and make your website work for you! Take the first step and schedule a free strategy session with our team. Book a free strategy session!